AEO Packages

AEO Packages

The Customs People has more than 50 years’ experience in helping clients to deal with import and export regulations, and we offer a bespoke service depending on the requirements of your business.

When it comes to applying for Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status, the application process can be time consuming and confusing. However, as experts in the field, we can ensure your business approaches the process of obtaining AEO accreditation in a favourable and efficient manner.

We know that different organisations require varying levels of assistance, which is why we offer a one-day no-obligation session to determine next steps, followed by three bespoke packages (bronze, silver and gold) that will cater to the specific level of help and input that your company will need based on your sector, internal capacity and knowledge.

No-Obligation 1 Day AEO Session

When you are first considering AEO for your business, it can be difficult to know where to begin. You might struggle to understand where you are in the process or even whether it applies to your organisation, let alone whether it will offer any benefits. Before you decide to fully invest in AEO, consider our no-obligation AEO assessment. This is a one-day bespoke session where we visit your businesses and help you to take the first step of your journey with AEO.

Our expert will conduct an initial gap analysis to fully understand where your business is at in terms of AEO. This will provide you with an accurate view of what is required from you to make a successful AEO application. We will delve into the criteria and explain how it applies to your unique circumstances, as well as providing a view of any gaps in the business that could hinder your application.

At the end of the session we will discuss what further assistance you need from us, which is likely to be one of the following options:

● No further input required
● You wish to progress AEO yourself
● You progress AEO but work with us on a consultancy basis
● We lead the AEO process on your behalf

There is no obligation to proceed with any further support, but we are happy to assist your business in any way that you require on the next step of your AEO journey.

Details of our three packages are outlined below:
Stage 1: Initial onsite consultation Yes Yes Yes
Stage 2: GAP analysisWe would: Carry out an in-depth advisory session, offering advice on how to carry out a GAP analysis. This would include what it needs to cover and how it should be conducted. This would include reviewing the self-assessment questionnaire requirements at the outset and reviewing the gap analysis undertaken once it has been carried out.We would: (a) Conduct gap analysis, which would involve spending 3 days onsite to review all aspects of your customs routines and security measures (b) Provide a brief report on the findings,involving meeting AEO criteria and what gaps there are, as well as suggestions on how these would be closed. The report would form part of the AEO application. (c) Reviewing the gap analyses undertaken by critically examining the reports and findings.We would: undertake the gap analyses detailed at (a) and (b) for each site of your business. We would also spend one day to discuss the requirements of AEO and customs warehousing. Please note that two days onsite would be necessary for security purposes. A brief report would be provided for each company.
Stage 3: Closing of gapsAs per Silver package however, we would only review the work done to ensure it is correct once completed.We would: Carry out an in-depth advisory session, offering advice on how to carry out a GAP analysis. This would include what it needs to cover and how it should be conducted. This would include reviewing the self assessment questionnaire requirements at the outset and reviewing the gap analysis undertaken once it has been carried out.We would: Close any gaps on your behalf. This will likely involve us documenting the procedures for all aspects of your AEO.
Stage 4: Completion of self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ) & collating supporting documentsYour business would complete this documentation and we would review to ensure it is correct.We would: Ensure all documentation is completed correctly and fully, offering guidance on how to do so.We would: Complete the SAQ on your business's behalf.
Stage 5: Liason with HMRCUnder this package, we would not liaise with HMRC.We would: Attend and lead the initial validation visit required by HMRC.We would: Attend and lead all validation visits required by HMRC.

To watch our video explaining about the AEO packages we offer, please scroll to the bottom of this page

Contact Us

For more information on how The Customs People could take the stress out of the AEO application process for your business, contact us today. Call 0161 826 8926 to speak to a member of the team, or fill out the enquiry form on this page to discuss the best package for your needs.